Research & Training Team
A research and training team comprising project teams from the consortium members will be formed. The plan is to either establish three primary sub-commissions—namely, the Health Commission, the Diet and Sport Commission—or to set up two main sub-commissions: the Social Media Commission and the Digital Apps Commission.
Green Tick Guideline
A comprehensive guideline will detail how social media accounts and digital apps can improve the quality of their health, diet, and sports content in terms of reliability, verifiability, and safety. This guideline will be beneficial for users, parents, organizations, and policymakers. It will be the first official and well-designed document to address the reliability, verifiability, and safety of social media and digital app content related to health, diet, and sports.
Training Course
A training course will be offered to content producers, users, and app developers to enhance their quality, knowledge, and skills. Initially, this training will be delivered online to some participants and will subsequently be made available offline for everyone.
List of `Green Tick`
The Green Tick Project aims not only to provide guidelines and training but also to identify and list exemplary social media accounts and digital apps. Those that meet the standards will be awarded the 'Green Tick,' while those that do not will receive guidelines and advice on how to receive the Green Tick award.